Church Ministries
Prayer is so vitally important in any church that ministers the Word of God and cares for people. From our altar prayer time on Sunday morning, to our Wednesday night prayer service, to our vibrant prayer chain we see God touch people in our community and around the world. We would be more than happy to pray for you and your needs.Worship
God created us to worship Him and we are pleasing Him and receiving His blessings when we gather for joint worship. Our worship style is a more blended style with hymns and some contemporary praise songs. We also regularly have a children's message by the pastor and other volunteers.Evangelism
One of the major purposes of the church is to bring people into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. God is not willing that any should perish, and we desire to do our part in winning people to the Lord Jesus Christ. Missions
We have always been concerned about missions at home and abroad since we began as a mission church. Education and Training
Small group Bible study in Sunday School is available for all ages led by adults who are committed to teaching the truth of God's Holy Word. Small groups meet together not only for Biblical instruction, but also for meaningful fellowship, prayer, and ministry.